
$2,500/Month Recurring
...Without Lifting A Finger

Sharks Exclusive Bonus Package For Luther Landro's Automatic Agency System

FREE with Automatic Agency System

Retail: $297.00 | Save 100%



"There's Just So Much To Learn... There Must Be An Easier Way..."

Thanks to our friend Luther Landro...

There is!

See, we know a lot of people talk about their stuff being "automatic." It's become quite the buzz word.

But in many ways, this system by Luther is as "automatic" as they come.

Because he explains how you can get paid $2,500 on leads you refer... per month... for the LIFETIME of the client.

Without doing any fulfillment.

Yes, you read that correctly.

You get $2,500 per month... per lead... for as long as that lead is a customer, and you do zero fulfillment.

And perhaps the best part...

Luther shows you exactly how to attract and convert the leads, with done-for-you materials he provides.

Now before I get to our bonus package, let me just say:

This is NOT for everyone.

If you have a well-established agency with a highly-profitable menu of services, all of your fulfillment running like a well-oiled machine, and a steady stream of new clients being closed, onboarded, and retained without your daily attention...

Then skip this one.

If not, then you may want to pick up Luther's Automatic Agency System today... for less than the price of a (cheap) haircut.

And unlike a haircut—the info and resources inside this system can help you build a steady stable of recurring revenue into your business.

Oh, and a haircut doesn't come with Sharks-only exclusive bonuses!

But because we always love to "chum the waters," when you pick up Luther's Automatic Agency System through this page...

You'll Get Instant Access To Everything Below:

Sharks Exclusive Bonus #1:
Your "Taking Action" Roadmap ($100 Value)

We just passed the first of the year, which is always a great time to step back, reassess where you are and where you're going, and lay out an action plan for the new year.

See, most people start with a list of goals. But goals without an action plan are worse than useless... they actually deter you from taking action.

That's why it's so important to break your goals into manageable chunks, and lay out a precise plan for accomplishing them.

And in this hour-long training, you'll see exactly how to create and execute your own "Taking Action" roadmap.

Sharks Exclusive Bonus #2:
How To Position Yourself As An Expert ($125 Value)

Do you have an actionable plan to present yourself as an authority in your industry?

Today – more than ever! – it’s VERY important to position yourself as an expert. The moment you become an authority in your niche, “selling yourself” becomes so much easier!

This is our ‘blueprint’ on how to build a powerful brand by positioning yourself as an actual marketing expert in your industry.

Sharks Exclusive Bonus #3:
How To Land Clients In Big Bunches ($100 Value)

Sometimes you find a real, legitimate "shortcut." That's what this is.

It's a method for landing clients in BIG bunches. I'm talking anywhere from several to several dozen new clients, signing up for your services in the course of an hour or two.

And even better, the "selling" is practically non-existent. You're so well-positioned as an expert and authority with something valuable that you basically just become an "order taker."

Learn all about the shortcut I'm referring to—and how to execute this strategy yourself—in this hour-long exclusive training.

Sharks Exclusive Bonus #4:
Hiring Outsourcers & Virtual Assistants ($100 Value)

It's tempting when you're first getting started to want to do everything yourself. After all, any money you pay someone to help you is money coming out of your pocket... right?

But hopefully you have realized by now that leveraging other people to help you accomplish all the tasks in your business is almost essential.

And finding and hiring good outsourcers and virtual assistants is one of the most profitable steps you can take in your business!

This hour-long exclusive training walks you step-by-step through exactly how to find and bring on team members who will work daily to help build your business for you, so you can spend your time doing the things you really enjoy.

Sharks Exclusive Bonus #5:
Phrases That Close Deals Swipe File ($50 Value)

Your prospect understands the pros and cons. They have a problem, and they know your service can solve it for them. The budget is good to go and the time is right. Now all that’s left to do is close the deal. This is the moment when you'll discover whether your efforts will pay off, or if they were for naught. 

So how do you seal the deal without sounding too slick or ‘salesy’?

Here are 11 of our favorite proven closing phrases that you can whip out at your discretion.

  • Bonus #1: Your "Taking Action" Roadmap ($100 Value)
  • Bonus #2: ​How To Position Yourself As An Expert ($125 Value)
  • ​Bonus #3: How To Land Clients In Big Bunches ($100 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Hiring Outsourcers & Virtual Assistants ($100 Value)
  • ​Bonus #5: Phrases That Close Deals Swipe File ($50 Value)
  • Bonus #1: Your "Taking Action" Roadmap ($100 Value)
  • Bonus #2: ​How To Position Yourself As An Expert ($125 Value)
  • ​Bonus #3: How To Land Clients In Big Bunches ($100 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Hiring Outsourcers & Virtual Assistants ($100 Value)
  • ​Bonus #5: Phrases That Close Deals Swipe File ($50 Value)

TOTAL VALUE: $475.00

When You Pick Up Automatic Agency System Below


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